Today I felt a pessimism. And it was ripe. I had a pretty good day, that is until... well, just read it:
andrew_redux: in fact, it wasn't until i was in the car driving home
andrew_redux: and i was listening to "Sean Hannity"
andrew_redux: and he played the audio to that guy's beheading
andrew_redux: i'd avoided the video
andrew_redux: or graphic picutres
andrew_redux: because, well, i didn't want to think about it
andrew_redux: and i didn't want to find myself looking at it and not have an emotional response
andrew_redux: like, say, somehow i processed it like as if it were a slasher flick or something
andrew_redux: because i'm pretty jaded when it comes to video, right
andrew_redux: and it was blood curling
andrew_redux: i'm happy i was in the country because i took my foot off the accelerator
andrew_redux: i almost pulled the car over
andrew_redux: it was horrible
andrew_redux: you hear them saying "allahu akhbar"
andrew_redux: and then all of a sudden, a piercing, shrieking castrato scream
andrew_redux: as they're holding him down
andrew_redux: with the allahu akhbar in the background
andrew_redux: and then the scream intensifies
andrew_redux: horrible wail
andrew_redux: and then the shrieking stops
andrew_redux: instead it's just like a puntcured baloon or tire
andrew_redux: whining
andrew_redux: and then a gurgling
andrew_redux: and they were chanting, yelling allahu akhbar throughout the whole thing
andrew_redux: they sawed his head off
andrew_redux: not chopped
andrew_redux: not sliced
andrew_redux: sawed it
andrew_redux: with a knife
andrew_redux: not an axe
andrew_redux: not a sword
andrew_redux: a knife
andrew_redux: i want to be angry
andrew_redux: and outraged
andrew_redux: and all that kind of normal response
andrew_redux: but because it was audio
andrew_redux: it was radio
andrew_redux: and radio's so intimate
andrew_redux: i couldn't look away
andrew_redux: and i'm reconstructing the image from the sound
andrew_redux: it was horrible
kelleenl: I don't think I can cheer you up about this.
andrew_redux: it's one thing to think you know what evil looks like
andrew_redux: but when it's heard
andrew_redux: yesterday i had been thinking about writing about the beheading on my blog
andrew_redux: some kind of thing like
andrew_redux: well, you can't ask for a better enemy than an arab terrorist
andrew_redux: because just when the world is convinced that you're a shit
andrew_redux: he will always try and out do you on the despicability scale
andrew_redux: but this
andrew_redux: it was so unprofessional
andrew_redux: so amateur
andrew_redux: but so enthusiastic, so...
andrew_redux: those terrorists are a death cult
andrew_redux: i mean
andrew_redux: i think to myself
andrew_redux: you're beheading some guy
andrew_redux: he gets a last meal
andrew_redux: a last cigarette
andrew_redux: a last word
andrew_redux: and it's quick, humane, even
andrew_redux: nobody likes death
andrew_redux: nobody likes killing
andrew_redux: but how do you do that
andrew_redux: the poor man
andrew_redux: he was shrieking
andrew_redux: i mean
andrew_redux: flying a fucking jet into a building isn't as evil as this, it's bigger, sure, but, you can't hear all 3000 people shrieking -- shrieking -- in your head
andrew_redux: and not only that, but they reveled in it
andrew_redux: like i said, i want to get angry
andrew_redux: and say something like
andrew_redux: this means that we need to fight more
andrew_redux: or some AM radio shit like that
andrew_redux: but i can't
andrew_redux: i can't because it's just empty posturing
andrew_redux: everyday it's a race to the bottom
andrew_redux: you know, i want to find peace in victory
andrew_redux: and i want everyone to have a future
andrew_redux: a future where they can self-actualize
andrew_redux: where they can become somebody
andrew_redux: but how do you do that with somebody like that?
andrew_redux: how can you share a future with somebody that wants to die, wants to kill you
kelleenl: I don't know.
andrew_redux: somebody who doesn't want the life he can have in this world
andrew_redux: because he thinks he can only get it in the "next"
andrew_redux: i wouldn't be surprised if the Americans didn't start really massacring people after what i saw
andrew_redux: because you can't win
andrew_redux: either he kills you
andrew_redux: or you kill him
andrew_redux: and in killing him
andrew_redux: he wins
andrew_redux: because not only has he made you in to a killer
andrew_redux: but you've just radicalized several more that want to do the same thing
andrew_redux: so he wins again
andrew_redux: it's not even that they don't have anything to live for
andrew_redux: they live to die/kill
andrew_redux: if this keeps up
andrew_redux: we're going to get everyone out
andrew_redux: and drop the bomb
andrew_redux: but if you leave
andrew_redux: who gets into power?
andrew_redux: and i don't really care what anyone says
andrew_redux: we have to do this right
andrew_redux: but it will only get worse
andrew_redux: and it will only get worse before it gets better
andrew_redux: if it gets better
kelleenl: It will get better.
andrew_redux: you know, it’s an evil different than the Nazis
andrew_redux: the Nazis engineered death;
andrew_redux: it's removed
andrew_redux: somehow:
andrew_redux: banal
andrew_redux: industrialized
andrew_redux: a technologization of death
andrew_redux: logically working for nefarious ends
andrew_redux: but this
andrew_redux: was up close and personal
andrew_redux: and sadistic
andrew_redux: and exhibitionistic
andrew_redux: they sawed his head off
andrew_redux: not hack
andrew_redux: not chop
kelleenl: stop
andrew_redux: sorry
andrew_redux: it's just i heard what the abyss sounds like
andrew_redux: i'm afraid that all this technology
andrew_redux: all this media
andrew_redux: all this communication
andrew_redux: is just going to make us want to kill each other more
andrew_redux: because our ideologies
andrew_redux: not our civilizations
andrew_redux: but our ideologies
andrew_redux: cannot abide the Other
andrew_redux: and it's not like the Soviets
andrew_redux: who killed people in Siberia
andrew_redux: and no one talked about it
andrew_redux: so people denied it
andrew_redux: pretended it never happened
andrew_redux: thought they deserved it
andrew_redux: out of sight out of mind
andrew_redux: but this, it's your face
andrew_redux: "See we'll kill more! Nyah-Nyah-Nyah! What are you going to do about it? Nothing -- because you're weak!"
And perhaps we are. If all that we can do is say, "See I told you so" or use this atrocity to expiate guilt for our own behavior, we are weak. We are weak because we are weak-minded. Because we cannot see it for what it is, only what "caused" it, or to equivocate criminality, or to express our prescriptions in outrage or in self-righteousness.
We are weak, just as they are weak, because we want to make something of Mr. Berg's death. We want to use the horrible, depraved event of his death to justify something else -- our views, our prejudices, our ideologies. How petty, how small.
Nicolas Berg -- may you rest and peace, forgetting your horrific death and your depraved killers
Sh!t. I'm tired.